
Friday, May 14, 2010


Vibrating Wire Readout Box

Model GK-404

The Model GK-404 Vibrating Wire Readout Box is a portable, low-power, hand-held unit that is capable of running for more than 20 hours continuously on two AA batteries. It is designed for the readout of all Geokon vibrating wire gages and transducers, and is capable of displaying the reading in either digits, frequency (Hz), period (µs), or microstrain (µε) . The GK-404 also displays the temperature of the transducer (embedded thermistor) with a resolution of 0.1°C.
Excitation Range 400 Hz to 6000 Hz, 5 Volt Square Wave
Resolution 0.1 µs
Timebase Accuracy ±50 ppm
Temperature Range −20°C to +50°C
L × W × H 120 × 65 × 22 mm

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