A Abstained: The attitude that shows no express choice or not to vote in an election, because they feel there is no suitable or as an expression of protest. Political Affair: a political scandal or political events that horrendous, usually negative. Political Party Affiliation: Cooperation, affinity or relationship with other political parties based on ideology or a common platform. Political Agenda: Plan or the political program of a political party. Acclamation: unanimous approval, a decision that is generated by way of agreement / full consent of all members of the deliberations or the selection of participants. Political alliances: Association or a close alliance between political parties or political activists. Amendment: Amendment. Examples Amendment Act of 1945, which represents a change in the sentence, the word insertion, removal and addition of article article.
Honorary Board (BK): Fittings Parliament which is responsible for investigation and verification of complaints against members who can not carry out duties in a sustainable or permanent absence as members, no longer meets the requirements of prospective members as stipulated in the Act concerning elections, violating the oath pledge , code of ethics, violate the ban order positions as stipulated in the legislation.
Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Agency (BKSAP): Parliament fittings serving to foster, develop, and enhance the friendly relations and cooperation between the Parliament and the parliaments of other countries, both bilaterally and multilaterally, including international organizations that raise the parliaments and / or member- members of parliament.
Legislation Board (Baleg): Agency which is located at the center of national undang-undang/hukum formation in the Parliament. Legislation Board task is to formulate the National Legislation Program, preparing draft legislation the House initiative, do pengharmonisasian, rounding and stabilization of the conception of a bill filed by members, commissions, and a joint committee before the bill was submitted to the leadership council.
Consultative Body (Bamus): Agency which is responsible for determining the event the House of Representatives for one year trial, a trial period, or part of a trial period, and estimated time of completion of a problem, as well as completion period of the bill, without prejudice to the rights of a plenary session to change it.
Domestic Affairs Agency (Burt): Parliament fittings that help determine the wisdom of the leadership of the House of Representatives in Parliament domesticity, including the welfare of members and employees of the Secretariat General. Also helped the House leadership to supervise the performance of duties and obligations undertaken by the Secretariat General.
Inter Stop Time: Members of Parliament to stop intertemporal since died, resigned as a member at his own request, in writing, and proposed by the political party.
Depoliticization: Policies applied to remove any political activity. These policies are usually issued by the government of authoritarian, dictatorial, or an unpopular ruler. Because, they fear that opposition could topple the power.
DPD: Regional Representatives Council, an institution can submit to parliament draft laws relating to regional autonomy, central and local relations, the formation and expansion, and merger of regions, natural resource management, and other economic resources as well as relating to the balancing central and local finance. DPD also supervise the government's related to several issues. DPD members elected through general elections, each province represented by four people.
Parliament: Council of Representatives, the institution whose members elected by the people in elections, have a legislative function (making laws), budget preparation and monitoring of government work.
Parliament: Council of Regional Representatives, there is the provincial parliament and legislative district or city legislature who represent the people at the provincial or district / city governments in overseeing local government in performing the task.
Faction: Grouping of members of Parliament based on the configuration of political party election results. For example the Golkar Party faction to members of parliament from the Golkar Party. Fusion: Fusion of two or more organizations (political parties) into one.
Questionnaires Rights: Rights DPR / DPRD to perform an investigation of the important government policies and strategic and broad impact on society and state the alleged conflict with laws and regulations. One example is, when the government decided to raise fuel prices, then some fraction of the Parliament to mobilize action questionnaire.
Interpellation Rights: Rights Parliament to ask for information to the government about important government policies and strategic and broad impact on society and state.
Stating Opinions Rights: Rights of the House to express their opinions about government policy or extraordinary events that occurred in the homeland or the international situation with recommendations for settlement or as a follow up exercise of prerogatives and rights of the questionnaire or on a presumption that the president and / or vice president violation of the law of treason, corruption, bribery, other felonies or moral turpitude or is no longer eligible for the presidency and / or vice president.
Right Immunity / Immune: Members of the MPR, DPR, DPD, Provincial DPRD, and legislative districts can not be prosecuted before a court because of statements, questions and / or opinions expressed orally or in writing in the meetings of the MPR, DPR, DPD, the provincial parliament, and parliament districts, as long as not contrary to the Rules of Procedure and ethical codes for each institution.
Impeachment / Impeachment: Proposed dismissal of the president and / or vice president may be made by Parliament to the People's Consultative Assembly only by first making a request to the Constitutional Court to examine, prosecute, and decide upon the opinion of the House of Representatives that the president and / or vice president has violation of the law of treason, corruption, bribery, other felonies, or moral turpitude, and / or opinions that the president and / or vice president is no longer eligible for the presidency and / or vice president. At least three quarters of the members of the Assembly to decide the proposal to dismiss the Parliament president / vice president.
Commission: Fittings Parliament whose duty relating to the establishment of laws, related to the budget and related to the supervision over government tasks. Every member of Parliament unless leader sitting on the commission. Parliament now has 11 commissions.
Recess period: The period of the Parliament or the DPD activity outside of term time, particularly to meet constituents or a working visit, in the regions, domestically or abroad.
Session Period: The House of Representatives or the DPD activity in the form of meetings or hearings, either at trial or in the plenary commission, in parliament or outside parliament.
MPR: People's Consultative Assembly (MPR), an institution that is authorized to change and establish the Constitution and inaugurate the president and / or vice president. Its members are a combination of members of the DPR and DPD.
Ad Hoc Committee (PAH): Fittings MPR and the DPD was formed for specific purposes and work within a certain timeframe. For example, PAH constitutional amendment.
Budget Committee (Panggar): Fittings DPR is tasked with discussing the State Budget.
Working Committee: the Committee with the commission, a joint commission, the National Legislation, the Budget Committee, or House of Representatives Special Committee with the Government or with fittings DFS, at the invitation of the leadership of the House of Representatives, led by the head of the commission, the head of a joint commission, chairman of the Legislation Board, Budget Committee Chairman , or the Chairman of Special Committee.
Special Committee (Special Committee): Fittings interim parliament was formed to carry out certain tasks within specific time periods specified in plenary session.
Parliament: State agencies that make statutory regulations. Its name comes from French, Parlement, derived from the word meaning Parler talks, meetings, or where people discuss. In Indonesia, the parliament consists of People's Representative Council (DPR) and Regional Representative Council (DPD). The members of the DPR and DPD and then sit in the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR). Each of these institutions have the duty and authority more than just making laws (legislation).
Paw: Substitution Between Time, members of parliament dismissed intertemporal because, first, can not carry out duties in a sustainable or permanent absence as members of Parliament. Secondly, no longer meets the requirements of prospective members of Parliament referred to in the Election Act. Third, the violation of pledge, the House ethics code, and / or does not fulfill his duties as a member of the House of Representatives based on the results of physical examination of honor House of Representatives. Fourth, the prohibition of dual office of violating the rules as stipulated in laws and regulations. And fifth, was found guilty by a court decision which already have permanent legal force because it violates the criminal act with criminal threat as low as five years in prison.
Leadership DPD: Consists of a chairman and three vice-chairman of the DPD, acting as spokesman for the DPD, may not argue for a personal capacity and in the decision must be collective.
Leadership of the House: Consist of one chairman and three vice-chairman of the House of Representatives, acting as spokesman for the House of Representatives, may not argue for a personal capacity and in the decision must be collective.
Hearings Meeting (RDP): A meeting between the commission, several commissions in the joint commission meeting, the Legislation Board, Budget Committee, or the Special Committee with the Government officials who represent instansinya, either at the invitation of the leadership of the House or at the request of the Government officials concerned.
Public Hearings Meeting (RDPU): A meeting between the commission, several commissions in the joint commission meeting, the Legislation Board, Budget Committee, or the Special Committee with individuals, groups, organizations or private entities, either at the invitation of the leadership of the House or at the request concerned.
Joint Meeting of the Commission: is a joint meeting held by more than one commission, attended by members of the Committees concerned and chaired by the Head of the Joint Meeting of the Commission.
Working Meeting (Meeting): A meeting between the commission, a joint commission, the National Legislation, the Budget Committee, or House of Representatives Special Committee with the Government or with fittings DFS, at the invitation of the House leadership, led by leader of the commission, the head of a joint commission, chairman of the Legislation Board, Budget Committee Chairman, or Chairman of Special Committee.
Consultation Meeting: A meeting between the commission, a joint commission, the National Legislation, the Budget Committee, or House of Representatives Special Committee with the Government or with fittings DPD to show the attitude of each party regarding an issue. This consultation meeting was officially called the meeting Hearings.
Coordination Meeting (coordination meeting): See Working Meeting.
Plenary Session: Meeting of members, led by leader of the House and is the highest forum in discharging its duties and authority of Parliament.
Extraordinary Plenary Meeting: Plenary Meeting held in the recess period if requested by the president with the approval of the House leadership, desired by the leader of the House of Representatives with the approval of the Supervisory Board or proposed by at least 13 members with the approval of the Supervisory Board.
Plenary Meetings: Meetings of members of a faction, commission, board, committee DPR, DPD, or MPR. On a scale of one institution Parliament, called the meeting plenonya plenary session.
Recall: The replacement or dismissal of members of Parliament intertemporal submitted by political parties concerned members of parliament to the leaders of the House of Representatives.
General Secretariat: To support the smooth implementation of the tasks of the MPR, DPR and the DPD was formed which set out the general secretariat of the president's decision, and personal consisting of civil servants. Secretariat General of the MPR, DPR and DPD, headed by a secretary general and a deputy secretary general who is appointed and dismissed by presidential decree at the proposal of the leadership of the MPR, DPR and DPD.
Parliament Meeting Time: Monday through Thursday, from 09.00 pm until 16.00 pm with a break at 12.00 pm until 13.00 pm, Friday from 09.00 am until 16.00 pm with a break from 11:00 am until 13:30 o'clock AM . In the night from 19.30 pm until 23:30 o'clock pm on each working day.
Honorary Board (BK): Fittings Parliament which is responsible for investigation and verification of complaints against members who can not carry out duties in a sustainable or permanent absence as members, no longer meets the requirements of prospective members as stipulated in the Act concerning elections, violating the oath pledge , code of ethics, violate the ban order positions as stipulated in the legislation.
Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Agency (BKSAP): Parliament fittings serving to foster, develop, and enhance the friendly relations and cooperation between the Parliament and the parliaments of other countries, both bilaterally and multilaterally, including international organizations that raise the parliaments and / or member- members of parliament.
Legislation Board (Baleg): Agency which is located at the center of national undang-undang/hukum formation in the Parliament. Legislation Board task is to formulate the National Legislation Program, preparing draft legislation the House initiative, do pengharmonisasian, rounding and stabilization of the conception of a bill filed by members, commissions, and a joint committee before the bill was submitted to the leadership council.
Consultative Body (Bamus): Agency which is responsible for determining the event the House of Representatives for one year trial, a trial period, or part of a trial period, and estimated time of completion of a problem, as well as completion period of the bill, without prejudice to the rights of a plenary session to change it.
Domestic Affairs Agency (Burt): Parliament fittings that help determine the wisdom of the leadership of the House of Representatives in Parliament domesticity, including the welfare of members and employees of the Secretariat General. Also helped the House leadership to supervise the performance of duties and obligations undertaken by the Secretariat General.
Inter Stop Time: Members of Parliament to stop intertemporal since died, resigned as a member at his own request, in writing, and proposed by the political party.
Depoliticization: Policies applied to remove any political activity. These policies are usually issued by the government of authoritarian, dictatorial, or an unpopular ruler. Because, they fear that opposition could topple the power.
DPD: Regional Representatives Council, an institution can submit to parliament draft laws relating to regional autonomy, central and local relations, the formation and expansion, and merger of regions, natural resource management, and other economic resources as well as relating to the balancing central and local finance. DPD also supervise the government's related to several issues. DPD members elected through general elections, each province represented by four people.
Parliament: Council of Representatives, the institution whose members elected by the people in elections, have a legislative function (making laws), budget preparation and monitoring of government work.
Parliament: Council of Regional Representatives, there is the provincial parliament and legislative district or city legislature who represent the people at the provincial or district / city governments in overseeing local government in performing the task.
Faction: Grouping of members of Parliament based on the configuration of political party election results. For example the Golkar Party faction to members of parliament from the Golkar Party. Fusion: Fusion of two or more organizations (political parties) into one.
Questionnaires Rights: Rights DPR / DPRD to perform an investigation of the important government policies and strategic and broad impact on society and state the alleged conflict with laws and regulations. One example is, when the government decided to raise fuel prices, then some fraction of the Parliament to mobilize action questionnaire.
Interpellation Rights: Rights Parliament to ask for information to the government about important government policies and strategic and broad impact on society and state.
Stating Opinions Rights: Rights of the House to express their opinions about government policy or extraordinary events that occurred in the homeland or the international situation with recommendations for settlement or as a follow up exercise of prerogatives and rights of the questionnaire or on a presumption that the president and / or vice president violation of the law of treason, corruption, bribery, other felonies or moral turpitude or is no longer eligible for the presidency and / or vice president.
Right Immunity / Immune: Members of the MPR, DPR, DPD, Provincial DPRD, and legislative districts can not be prosecuted before a court because of statements, questions and / or opinions expressed orally or in writing in the meetings of the MPR, DPR, DPD, the provincial parliament, and parliament districts, as long as not contrary to the Rules of Procedure and ethical codes for each institution.
Impeachment / Impeachment: Proposed dismissal of the president and / or vice president may be made by Parliament to the People's Consultative Assembly only by first making a request to the Constitutional Court to examine, prosecute, and decide upon the opinion of the House of Representatives that the president and / or vice president has violation of the law of treason, corruption, bribery, other felonies, or moral turpitude, and / or opinions that the president and / or vice president is no longer eligible for the presidency and / or vice president. At least three quarters of the members of the Assembly to decide the proposal to dismiss the Parliament president / vice president.
Commission: Fittings Parliament whose duty relating to the establishment of laws, related to the budget and related to the supervision over government tasks. Every member of Parliament unless leader sitting on the commission. Parliament now has 11 commissions.
Recess period: The period of the Parliament or the DPD activity outside of term time, particularly to meet constituents or a working visit, in the regions, domestically or abroad.
Session Period: The House of Representatives or the DPD activity in the form of meetings or hearings, either at trial or in the plenary commission, in parliament or outside parliament.
MPR: People's Consultative Assembly (MPR), an institution that is authorized to change and establish the Constitution and inaugurate the president and / or vice president. Its members are a combination of members of the DPR and DPD.
Ad Hoc Committee (PAH): Fittings MPR and the DPD was formed for specific purposes and work within a certain timeframe. For example, PAH constitutional amendment.
Budget Committee (Panggar): Fittings DPR is tasked with discussing the State Budget.
Working Committee: the Committee with the commission, a joint commission, the National Legislation, the Budget Committee, or House of Representatives Special Committee with the Government or with fittings DFS, at the invitation of the leadership of the House of Representatives, led by the head of the commission, the head of a joint commission, chairman of the Legislation Board, Budget Committee Chairman , or the Chairman of Special Committee.
Special Committee (Special Committee): Fittings interim parliament was formed to carry out certain tasks within specific time periods specified in plenary session.
Parliament: State agencies that make statutory regulations. Its name comes from French, Parlement, derived from the word meaning Parler talks, meetings, or where people discuss. In Indonesia, the parliament consists of People's Representative Council (DPR) and Regional Representative Council (DPD). The members of the DPR and DPD and then sit in the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR). Each of these institutions have the duty and authority more than just making laws (legislation).
Paw: Substitution Between Time, members of parliament dismissed intertemporal because, first, can not carry out duties in a sustainable or permanent absence as members of Parliament. Secondly, no longer meets the requirements of prospective members of Parliament referred to in the Election Act. Third, the violation of pledge, the House ethics code, and / or does not fulfill his duties as a member of the House of Representatives based on the results of physical examination of honor House of Representatives. Fourth, the prohibition of dual office of violating the rules as stipulated in laws and regulations. And fifth, was found guilty by a court decision which already have permanent legal force because it violates the criminal act with criminal threat as low as five years in prison.
Leadership DPD: Consists of a chairman and three vice-chairman of the DPD, acting as spokesman for the DPD, may not argue for a personal capacity and in the decision must be collective.
Leadership of the House: Consist of one chairman and three vice-chairman of the House of Representatives, acting as spokesman for the House of Representatives, may not argue for a personal capacity and in the decision must be collective.
Hearings Meeting (RDP): A meeting between the commission, several commissions in the joint commission meeting, the Legislation Board, Budget Committee, or the Special Committee with the Government officials who represent instansinya, either at the invitation of the leadership of the House or at the request of the Government officials concerned.
Public Hearings Meeting (RDPU): A meeting between the commission, several commissions in the joint commission meeting, the Legislation Board, Budget Committee, or the Special Committee with individuals, groups, organizations or private entities, either at the invitation of the leadership of the House or at the request concerned.
Joint Meeting of the Commission: is a joint meeting held by more than one commission, attended by members of the Committees concerned and chaired by the Head of the Joint Meeting of the Commission.
Working Meeting (Meeting): A meeting between the commission, a joint commission, the National Legislation, the Budget Committee, or House of Representatives Special Committee with the Government or with fittings DFS, at the invitation of the House leadership, led by leader of the commission, the head of a joint commission, chairman of the Legislation Board, Budget Committee Chairman, or Chairman of Special Committee.
Consultation Meeting: A meeting between the commission, a joint commission, the National Legislation, the Budget Committee, or House of Representatives Special Committee with the Government or with fittings DPD to show the attitude of each party regarding an issue. This consultation meeting was officially called the meeting Hearings.
Coordination Meeting (coordination meeting): See Working Meeting.
Plenary Session: Meeting of members, led by leader of the House and is the highest forum in discharging its duties and authority of Parliament.
Extraordinary Plenary Meeting: Plenary Meeting held in the recess period if requested by the president with the approval of the House leadership, desired by the leader of the House of Representatives with the approval of the Supervisory Board or proposed by at least 13 members with the approval of the Supervisory Board.
Plenary Meetings: Meetings of members of a faction, commission, board, committee DPR, DPD, or MPR. On a scale of one institution Parliament, called the meeting plenonya plenary session.
Recall: The replacement or dismissal of members of Parliament intertemporal submitted by political parties concerned members of parliament to the leaders of the House of Representatives.
General Secretariat: To support the smooth implementation of the tasks of the MPR, DPR and the DPD was formed which set out the general secretariat of the president's decision, and personal consisting of civil servants. Secretariat General of the MPR, DPR and DPD, headed by a secretary general and a deputy secretary general who is appointed and dismissed by presidential decree at the proposal of the leadership of the MPR, DPR and DPD.
Parliament Meeting Time: Monday through Thursday, from 09.00 pm until 16.00 pm with a break at 12.00 pm until 13.00 pm, Friday from 09.00 am until 16.00 pm with a break from 11:00 am until 13:30 o'clock AM . In the night from 19.30 pm until 23:30 o'clock pm on each working day.