We present in this world have at least three missions. First, as a servant of Allah. Therefore, and teach all our activities as a means of worship to Allah SWT. Anxiety arises because we lack knowledge, because it is too in love with the world, also because it is very reluctant to serve. In fact, Allah designing our lives to the rhythm of worship. Careers of our lives can be optimized when we refine worship.
Second, as the caliph. Berkiprahlah in this world with the best work. As caliph, in addition to welfare itself, we must also create welfare of others. Then our interactions in the world than welfare is born, must also be a spiritual light. This means that we must exploit in order to conduct physical and spiritual and to offer the best work.
Third, as a preacher. In addition to worship with sincere intentions, we too must become people who could be examples of goodness, the glory of the carrier's mission.
Remember, the best man is the most beneficial for others. Therefore, if we want to know the level of our luck, look how far we fight tooth and nail in exploiting the power of this life, thoughts, and our time to benefit others. If this becomes our values, our lives would be delicious.
Our true sustenance is that we save and we spend in the way of Allah, Look for sustenance every day with the intention that more and more hungry people can eat with our sweat. More and more people can not dress warmly with our toil. The more knowledgeable people who are not able to learn with our sweat. When all was done with sincerity for Allah alone, Allah willing, will be a charity. This is our life mission.
Then, increase our professionalism, so we not only provide benefits to the supply of wealth, but also can supply the knowledge, insight, and experiences for others to glory.
If our life is the one time in this world that shine like the sun, illuminating the people who are in darkness, glory seeds grow, and refresh the withered by the brunt of life, then we will be people who continue to live his kindness. This success is essential.
Successful people were not the one who is praised by humans because of wealth, title, rank or position. It was small, it is only a mere worldly masks and accessories.
Accessories worldly whatever we have, it was just a simple patch for our most expensive asset is our personal maturity. Retirement will not be a problem if we are far more qualified than our ranks. In contrast to the busy people who just hide behind the mask, then retired, transferred, or older can cause anxiety because it's incomparable hiding-place. Pension or take the rank and title it will clarify the content of our true self.
Ultimate glory for us is how far our lives have meaning and value to civilization and the powerful welfare of mankind, which is based because Allah. Therefore, train ourselves how to live an all-time has a value of maximum benefit.
Believe me, my brothers, we are not going to survive and be happy with what we gather, but we will be much more happy if we could spend out of what Allah Leave us. Allah guarantees do not come to a stingy person, but come to the experts both physically and spiritual alms.
May Allah blessed us with wisdom for the wisdom to be the most expensive property in our lives, namely the change ourselves, become more mature, adult, full benefits, no love of the world, bright with sincerity, rising with humility, and the more dazzling with the glory of morals.
Let us become a new person who has a religious orientation as an expert, who works as a caliphate and as a good example. We leave this world after we bring the best work. We welcome at our death the day after tomorrow with our best work is meaningful for the world and the means for the hereafter.
*** Additional: mudah2an qt, especially for writers, could implement this, because it actually weakens the temptations and challenges and sometimes make the qt 'lazy' (for istiqomah) to apply ***http://tausyiah275.blogsome.com/category/aa-gym/
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