
Tuesday, August 10, 2010


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Terjemah Tafsir Jalalain Portal Islam

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In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
"Had We sent this Qur'an down upon a mountain you would have seen it humbled, rent asunder from the fear of Allah." [Soorah al-Hashr (59):21]

Quran Server

Courtesy of Imeg.Org. Translation of The Holy Quran in Urdu Ahmed Ali, Transliteration, English Yusuf Ali, French, German, English Shakir, English Qaribullah, English Muhsin Khan, English Pickthall, Albanian, Azerbaijani, Bosnian, Brazilian, Dutch, Finnish, Indonesian, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Latin, Malaysian, Mexican, Poland, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swahili, Thai, Turkish, Urdu Jalandhry

Help Yourself In Reading Quran (Arabic-English)

It is a guide for learning to read the Arabic of the Qur'an in a simple way through transliteration without a teacher. After mastering this guide , one will be able to read Qur'an without any difficulty.

Usool at-Tafseer

By Abu Ameena Bilal Philips. An Excellent Gift to Students of Islamic Sciences Literally translated 'The Fundamental Principles of Qur'aanic Interpretation,' this book refers to the branches of knowledge which are necessary to provide an accurate interpretation of the Qur'anic texts, such as Arabic grammar and syntax, Arabic literature and Qur'anic sciences ('uloom al-Qur'aan). Addressed topics include the Tafseer of the Qur'an, books of tafseer, translations of the Qur'an, Wahy ('divine revelation'), reasons for revelation, the differences between Makkan and Madinan revelations, Naskh, the Muhkam and Mutashaabih, and more.

Ulum al-Qur'an

By Ahmad Von Denffer. `Ulum al-Qur'an: An Introduction to the Sciences of Quran, deals with the traditional subjects such as meaning of revelation, history and transmission of the text, asbab al-nuzul, exegesis, etc. as well as issues of more recent origin, like recording of the Qur'an, orientalists' views, translations and others. The concluding chapter has valuable practical advice for reading and studying of the Holy Book of Islam.

An Introduction to the Sciences of the Qur'aan

The book provides the English reader with a detailed analysis of classic Muslim scholarship regarding: the process of Inspiration (wahy); the various means of classifying verses of the Qur'aan; the history of the compilation of the Qur'aan; the meaning of the seven ahruf and the ten qira'aat of the Qur'aan; the miraculous nature of the Qur'aan; the concept of abrogation in the Qur'aan; the procedure and methodology of tafseer; and many other topics. The work has a number of sections dedicated to explaining the traditional Muslim refutations of certain beliefs of the Ash'arees with regards to the Qur'aan.

Tafsir Ibn Kathir

The Qur'an is the revelation of Allah's Own Words for the guidance of His creatures. Since the Qur'an is the primary source of Islamic teachings, the correct understanding for the Qur'an is necessary for every Muslim. The Tafsir of Ibn Kathir is among the most renowned and accepted explanation of the Qur'an in the entire world. In it one finds the best presentation of Hadiths, history, and scholarly commentary.

In the Shade of the Qur'an

In The Shade Of The Qur'an is more than 'just another' commentary; yet it is not too over-reaching or outlandish to be a completely new interpretation. It is an earnest, sincere and sober look at man's contemporary achievements and difficulties in the light of the message of the Qur'an. It is an effort to vigorously explore its rich wisdom, and expand its invaluable guidance for the benefit of an increasingly 'sophisticated' , yet highly perplexed modern society.

Ma'ariful Quran

Courtesy of IslamiBayanaat.Com. Mufti Muhammad Shafi wrote Ma'ariful Quran in Urdu, which has already become a great reference for the layman and the scholar alike. Now its English translation supervised by his son Mufti Taqi Usmani, brings this great treasure to the English-speaking world. This set contains the complete commentary of the Qur'an. Contains an introduction to Quranic sciences by Mufti Muhammad taqi Uthmani

Towards Understanding the Qur'an

Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi, Trans./Ed. Zafar Ansari. A lively and highly readable English rendering of Tafhim al-Qur'an. This tafsir answers contemporary questions and makes the Qur'an fully relevant to the concerns of our day, yet it loses none of its timelessness nor sacrifices any of the traditional understanding. Each Surah is prefaced by an account of the background and teachings. Maps and indexes add greatly to the work.

Atlas of the Quran

By: Dr. Shawqi Abu Khalil. An Authentic Collection of the Qur'anic Information with Maps, Tables and Pictures This Atlas is new in its subject, a subject that has not been touched before. It helps whoever recites the Qur'an or studies it to specify the locations mentioned by the Noble Verses, and to mark those places of ancient people mentioned in the Qur'Gn. This is besides locating areas where the incidents of the prophetic Seerah occurred. Eventually the diligent reader will easily recognize those places, learn about them, and take heed of them while reciting.

Causes that Aid in the Memorization of the Qur’an

“For those of you who wish to embark on the praiseworthy path of memorising Qur’aan, the path which all the scholars and students of knowledge had first taken, this project will insha’Allaah aim to fully translate a very useful (albeit small) book titled ‘Asbaab al-Mu’eena ‘alaa Hifdh al-Qur’aan’ written to ease the memorisation of Qur’aan, containing practical tips as well as verses and ahadeeth speaking of the virtues of hifdh and the huffaadh.” Sister Farhia Yahya has just finished this project of translating this book in English. It’s an excellent resource for anyone who is serious about memorizing the Qur’an and it’s now available to us in English!

The Relief From Distress

By Shaikh ul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah. An explanation to the Du'a of Yunus. The Dua of Dhun-Nun (Yunus) by which he invoked Allah from within the belly of the whale was “There is none worthy of worship except You. You are pure. Verily I am amongst the oppressors.” TMQ Al-Anbiya 21:87 The Prophet (SAW) said about the Invocation of Yunus 'None who is experiencing difficulty employs it except that Allah would relieve him of his difficulty' Shaikh ul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah was asked about the dua of yunus and He answers it in the form of this Book. Among the Questions answered include. What is the Meaning of this Dua? Are their any unstated connection between belief in the heart and the meaning of this Supplication? What are the connection between belief in the heart and the meaning of this Supplication such that it leads to the removal of difficulty? What are the Conditions, the Method and many more Questions answered

Stories of The Qur'an

This Book is extracted from the Book of Imam Ibn Kathir "Al-Bidayah Wan-Nihayah" one of the most important texts written about the History of the World until the time of the author. The Stories of the Prophets are not included in this Volume as they have already been Published under a different Cover also Some Stories As with many Translation of Ibn Kathirs Works this is an Abridge version without impairing the contents of the book.

The Miracles of The Qu'ran

By Shaykh Muhammad Mitwalli ash-Sha’rawi. For Muslims, the Holy Qur'an is an inexhaustible and hauntingly beautiful source of guidance, consolation and enlightenment. Above all, it is the very Word of God as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and protected for all time against falsification. Muslims' absolute certainty on this point is often difficult for others to comprehend, however majestic and eloquent the text, even in translation. Shaykh ash-Sharawi, a distinguished contemporary scholar from Egypt, has written a book designed to be read by Muslims and non-Muslims alike. In plain and wholly logical language, ash-Sharawi presents objective and well documented evidence of the miraculous nature of the Qur'an. The Miracles of the Qur'an, now presented in a fluent English translation, is divided into three parts. Part 1 discusses the nature of miracles and examines those linguistic and rhetorical characteristics of the Holy Qur'an which Muslims believe - and history had shown to be inimitable by man. In parts 2 and 3 the author demonstrates, by profound analysis of numerous passages from the text, that the Qur'an contains irrefutable proof of its direct Revelation from Allah, the Omniscient Creator. This authoritative and highly readable book is essential reading for anyone concerned in understanding the nature if the Holy Scripture of Islam

Excellent Qualities of the Qur'an

Foreword from book, ' This is an English version of the book entitled Fada il-e-Qur'an originally written in Arabic by the Imam Muhammad bin 'Abdul Wahb, an eminent Muslim Scholar, and translated into Urdu by Maulana Mahmud Ahmad Ghazanfar, Mab'uth, Dar al-Ifta, Government of Saudi Arabia. Strictly speaking it is not a literal rendering of the original; rather it is the presentation of the meaning of the original in easy English language; in presenting the meaning, however, an attempt has been made to be very close to the original. All footnotes are added by the Translator to clarify difficult phrases and words, and to provide the reader with more relevant information. It is hoped that this small book will be of great help to the Englishknowing reader in his understanding of the Holy Qur'an. I must record my sincere thanks to Maulana Ghazanfar for carefully going through the manuscript and making valuable suggestions for improving the rendering. May Allah accept this humble effort of a worker who is neither a well versed Scholar nor a reputed Writer, and forgive him for the mistakes and shortcomings due to his ignorance and lack of knowledge.Muhammad Iqbal Siddiqi.'

An Index to the Qur'an

The Index of the Quran is intended to make the Holy Book approachable to the reader. In this meticulous and painstaking effort, the author has attempted to put together verses in the qquran dealing with one subject together in one place in a particular sequence.

Who Wrote the Qur'an?

This is a summary around the compilation of the Quran. Another book which is excellent and is highly recommended on this topic is 'The History of the Qur'anic Text from Revelation to Compilation : A Comparative Study with the Old and New Testaments' by Muhammad Mustafa al-Azami.

Tafsir Of Surah al-Fatihah

This commentary is a compilation gathered from a number of commentaries written. These being: · Tafseer at-Tabaree · Tafseer al-Qurtubi [Jaami lil Ahkaam al-Qur’an] · Tafseer ibn Katheer · Tafseer ash-Shawkanee [Fath al-Qadeer] · Tafseer as-Sa`dee [Tayseer al-Kareem ar-Rahman] · Tafseer ash-Shanqeetee [Adwaa al-Bayaan fee Eedaah al-Qur’an bil Qur’an].

Tafsir of Surat at-Tawba: Repentance

A Tafsir of Surat at-Tawba taken from traditional sources. Fight against those who (1) believe not in Allah, (2) nor in the Last Day, (3) nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger (4) and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth (i.e. Islam) among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. [Tawbah 9:29]

The Three Shelters

By Bilal Philips. Commentaries on Soorahs al-Ikhlaas, al-Falaq and an-Naas. This Tafseer contains a far greater depth of understanding due to the number of other classical and contemporary commentaries used like al-Qurtubee’s al-Jaami‘ li Ahkaam al-Qur’aan, Ibn al-Qayyim’s Compilations, ash-Shawkaanee’s Fat’h al-Qadeer, ash-Shanqeetee’s Adwaa ul-Bayaan, as-Sa‘dee’s Tayseer al-Kareem ar-Rahmaan, and Al ‘Uthaymeen’s Tafseer al-Qur’aan al-Kareem.

Heavenly Hues: Thematic Tafseer (Notes)

At the time the Qur’an was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad sal Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, Arabia was a relatively unknown and desolate place. Yet, within 23 short years, the entire region was transformed – from barren to Blessed; the land of the Arabs became the land of the Qur’an - a fountain of knowledge and light, forming a civilization that would be unmatched in its social, economic and political success. Miraculous.

Benefits From Surah Yoosuf

This book is an adaption of a friday khutbah given by Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid which explains the fruits that can be taken from the life of prophet Yoosuf (may Allah be pleased with him). This chapter Yoosuf relates to the story of one of the noble prophets, peace be upon him, and includes great admonitions and numerous benefits for the believers, as well as Islaamic rulings which the scholars of Islaam have extracted from this wonderful story that Allaah revealed to His Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam. The story of Prophet Yoosuf, peace be upon him, has a distinct, beautiful style, and neither the Jews nor the Christians have anything like it in their books, especially in such detail.

Jerusalem In The Quran

By Imran Hosein. Jerusalem in the Qur’an is a great book that thrilled and delighted me in a number of ways. I am surprised that such a meticulously documented book had to wait for such a long time before seeing the light. It is now more than half a century since the Zionists began their appalling oppression and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people whose only offense is that they happened to live in a country considered by the Jews to be their promised Holy Land.

"Each verse is like a date: the more you chew it..."

1 - The Messenger of Allah said:

"Whoever wants to to love Allah and His Messenger, then let him read the Mushaf."

['Sahih al-Jami''; # 6289]

2 - Ibn 'Abbas narrated:

"al-Walid bin al-Mughirah (a polytheist) came to the Messenger of Allah. The Messenger of Allah recited the Qur'an to him, and al-Walid seemed to become affected and softened by it. Abu Jahl came to know of this, so, he came to al-Walid and said: "Don't you see that your people are collecting charity for you?"

He said: "And why is that?"

Abu Jahl replied: "So that they can give it to you, as they see that you went to Muhammad to get some of his food."

al-Walid said: "Quraysh knows that I am of the wealthiest of its sons."

Abu Jahl said: "So, say to Muhammad something that would convince your people that you oppose him."

al-Walid replied: "And what can I possibly say? There is not a single man who is more knowledgable of poetry or prose than I, or even that of the Jinn, and by Allah, what he says bears no resemblance to these things. By Allah, what he says has a sweetness to it, and a charm upon it; the highest part of it is fruitful and the lowest part of it is gushing forth with bounty; it dominates and cannot be dominated, and it crushes all that is under it.""

[Reported by al-Hakim in 'al-Mustadrak' (2/506-507) and at-Tabari in 'Jami' al-Bayan' (29/156), and it is authentic]

3 - Jubayr bin Mut'im said:

"I heard the Messeger of Allah recite 'at-Tur' in the Maghrib prayer, and when he got to the verses {"Were they created by nothing, or were they themselves the creators? Or did they create the heavens and the earth? No, but they have no firm Belief. Or are with them the treasures of your Lord? Or are they the tyrants with the authority to do as they like?"} [at-Tur; 35-37], my heart wanted to fly from my body out of awe."

['Tafsir Ibn Kathir'; 4/309]

4 - 'Uthman bin 'Affan said:

"If our hearts were truly pure, we would never get enough of the Words of our Lord, and I hate that one day passes with me not looking in the Mushaf."

['al-Bidayah wan-Nihayah'; 7/215]

5 - Ibn Abi Mulaykah narrated:

"'Ikrimah bin Abi Jahl used to press the Mushaf to his face and cry, saying: "The Book of my Lord! The Words of my Lord!""

[Reported by 'Abdullah bin al-Mubarak in 'al-Jihad'; # 56]

6 - Bishr bin as-Sirri said:

"Verily, each verse is like a date: the more you chew it, the more of its sweetness is released." Abu Sulayman heard this and commented: "True. It is the case with one of you that if he begins one chapter of it, he wants to read it to the end."

['al-Hadith fi 'Ulum al-Qur'an'; p. 70]

Translated by Abu Sabaayaa

Unique Characteristics of the Qur'an

Inimitability of the Qur'an and Some Evidences of It Being From Allah (subhanahu wa ta`ala)

Intellectual Proofs in the Qur'an
Dr. Abdul Radhi Muhammad Abdul Mohsen

Language: The Main Vehicle Of Contemplation
Malik Badri

Preservation of the Qur'aan
Abu Muntasir

Qur'anic Prophecies About the Future
Dr. Abdul Radhi Muhammad Abdul Mohsen

The Challenge
Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips

The Miracle of Qur'anic Eloquence and Style
Dr. Abdul Radhi Muhammad Abdul Mohsen

Virtues of the Qur'an 1/2
Shaykh `Abdul Qadir al-Arna'oot

Virtues of the Qur'an 2/2
Shaykh `Abdul Qadir al-Arna'oot

Muslim's Relationship with the Qur'an

An Aspect of the Qur'aan's Miraculous Nature
Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips

Giving Priority to the Qur'an
Shaykh Abu Anas Hamad al-`Uthmaan

Healing the Weak Iman
Shaykh Muhammad Salih al-Munajjid

How To Benefit From the Qur'aan
Shaykh Muhammad Jameel Zeeno

Running Away From the Qur'aan
Shaykh `Abdul `Aziz ibn Baz

The Excellence of the Followers of the Qur'an
Imam Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab

The Veneration of the Mighty Qur'an
Imam Al-Bayhaqi

Warning From Abandoning the Qur'aan
Shaykh Muhammad Jameel Zeeno

When will I see you as a Haafidh?
Shaykh Yasir Salamah

Etiquettes Of Reciting The Quran
Sheikh Fuad Ash-Shulhoob

How to Memorise the Noble Quran
Dr. Yahya al-Ghouthani

O Bearers of the Qur'an!
Imam al-Ajooriyy al-Baghdadi

Book Reviews From Behind Bars
Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki

Qur’an Bearers: Nobles of this Ummah
Imam al-Jazari

Tafseer of Juzz Amma | Lectures
Nouman Ali Khan

Qur'anic Resources

About life mission

We present in this world have at least three missions. First, as a servant of Allah. Therefore, and teach all our activities as a means of worship to Allah SWT. Anxiety arises because we lack knowledge, because it is too in love with the world, also because it is very reluctant to serve. In fact, Allah designing our lives to the rhythm of worship. Careers of our lives can be optimized when we refine worship.
Second, as the caliph. Berkiprahlah in this world with the best work. As caliph, in addition to welfare itself, we must also create welfare of others. Then our interactions in the world than welfare is born, must also be a spiritual light. This means that we must exploit in order to conduct physical and spiritual and to offer the best work.
Third, as a preacher. In addition to worship with sincere intentions, we too must become people who could be examples of goodness, the glory of the carrier's mission.
Remember, the best man is the most beneficial for others. Therefore, if we want to know the level of our luck, look how far we fight tooth and nail in exploiting the power of this life, thoughts, and our time to benefit others. If this becomes our values, our lives would be delicious.
Our true sustenance is that we save and we spend in the way of Allah, Look for sustenance every day with the intention that more and more hungry people can eat with our sweat. More and more people can not dress warmly with our toil. The more knowledgeable people who are not able to learn with our sweat. When all was done with sincerity for Allah alone, Allah willing, will be a charity. This is our life mission.
Then, increase our professionalism, so we not only provide benefits to the supply of wealth, but also can supply the knowledge, insight, and experiences for others to glory.
If our life is the one time in this world that shine like the sun, illuminating the people who are in darkness, glory seeds grow, and refresh the withered by the brunt of life, then we will be people who continue to live his kindness. This success is essential.
Successful people were not the one who is praised by humans because of wealth, title, rank or position. It was small, it is only a mere worldly masks and accessories.
Accessories worldly whatever we have, it was just a simple patch for our most expensive asset is our personal maturity. Retirement will not be a problem if we are far more qualified than our ranks. In contrast to the busy people who just hide behind the mask, then retired, transferred, or older can cause anxiety because it's incomparable hiding-place. Pension or take the rank and title it will clarify the content of our true self.
Ultimate glory for us is how far our lives have meaning and value to civilization and the powerful welfare of mankind, which is based because Allah. Therefore, train ourselves how to live an all-time has a value of maximum benefit.
Believe me, my brothers, we are not going to survive and be happy with what we gather, but we will be much more happy if we could spend out of what Allah Leave us. Allah guarantees do not come to a stingy person, but come to the experts both physically and spiritual alms.
May Allah blessed us with wisdom for the wisdom to be the most expensive property in our lives, namely the change ourselves, become more mature, adult, full benefits, no love of the world, bright with sincerity, rising with humility, and the more dazzling with the glory of morals.
Let us become a new person who has a religious orientation as an expert, who works as a caliphate and as a good example. We leave this world after we bring the best work. We welcome at our death the day after tomorrow with our best work is meaningful for the world and the means for the hereafter.
*** Additional: mudah2an qt, especially for writers, could implement this, because it actually weakens the temptations and challenges and sometimes make the qt 'lazy' (for istiqomah) to apply ***

Friday, August 6, 2010

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Free Calls Through Vonage Contacts Facebook

Facebook is a fun place to be online. In this social networking we can do a lot of activity.
From finding an old friend's profile, comment on the status or photos, send messages, communicating via a chat feature, as well as play games. But there can not be done through Facebook. Ie call your friends through the Facebook network.
Fortunately Vonage application developers have recently introduced a new application that will complement Facebook. With the application called Vonage Mobile for Facebook, Facebook users can call friends Facebooknya via iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, or Android phones.
San Francisco Chronicle reported yesterday, Vonage allows gadgets-gadgets that connect via Wi-Fi and cellular networks.
Everything can be done for free, because the conversation using these applications will not spend a pulse, but consume the data. Condition, each phone must download the application first.
Skype is also able to make free phone calls over Internet protocol (Voice over Internet Protocol) like this. However, with Vonage application allows users to connect to more coverage of the contact, because he took advantage of Facebook Contact.
writeFlash (("src": "", "width": "530", "height": "398")) ;
In addition, Vonage to Facebook users can also send instant messages to contacts on Facebook. To this, instant message recipients do not need to install Vonage at first.
After this, Vonage is currently developing another feature that is not less useful. Forward this application is expected to send text messages and video calls (video calls), which might be quoted a price. Voyage also plans to develop this application into a broader mobile platform, and other social networks. (Sj) Facebook is a fun place to be online. In this social networking we can do a lot of activity.
From finding an old friend's profile, comment on the status or photos, send messages, communicating via a chat feature, as well as play games. But there can not be done through Facebook. Ie call your friends through the Facebook network.
Fortunately Vonage application developers have recently introduced a new application that will complement Facebook. With the application called Vonage Mobile for Facebook, Facebook users can call friends Facebooknya via iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, or Android phones.
San Francisco Chronicle reported yesterday, Vonage allows gadgets-gadgets that connect via Wi-Fi and cellular networks.
Everything can be done for free, because the conversation using these applications will not spend a pulse, but consume the data. Condition, each phone must download the application first.
Skype is also able to make free phone calls over Internet protocol (Voice over Internet Protocol) like this. However, with Vonage application allows users to connect to more coverage of the contact, because he took advantage of Facebook Contact.
writeFlash (("src": "", "width": "530", "height": "398")) ;
In addition, Vonage to Facebook users can also send instant messages to contacts on Facebook. To this, instant message recipients do not need to install Vonage at first.
After this, Vonage is currently developing another feature that is not less useful. Forward this application is expected to send text messages and video calls (video calls), which might be quoted a price. Voyage also plans to develop this application into a broader mobile platform, and other social networks. (Sj)